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300 Evaluation Essay Topics to Inspire Your Best Writing

evaluation essay topics

Of all the different types of essays you’ll write in college, few will show you how to write critically as a student better than an evaluation essay. An evaluation essay is a paper where you evaluate a specific feature of a topic. Many, but not all, evaluation essays involve comparisons, where you consider the strengths and weaknesses of a topic. After carefully considering the topic’s many facets, you offer a well-reasoned judgment.

Often, but not always, a good evaluation essay compares two elements of a topic. Ultimately, an evaluation essay lets you express your opinion in a nuanced way that should be both persuasive and informative.

With that in mind, as you look for paper help on your evaluation essay, consider these 300 topics to help you brainstorm!

Good Evaluation Essay Topics

  • Evaluate if it’s better to live in the suburbs or the city
  • Analyze the influence of the media on elections
  • Assess if green energy is more cost-effective than fossil fuels
  • Analyze the strengths of trade school education
  • Evaluate the impact of DEI in the business world
  • Evaluate the role of processed foods on the obesity epidemic
  • What are the primary causes of drug addiction?
  • Compare medieval European architecture to traditional Chinese architecture
  • Assess the efficacy of “get tough on crime” policies
  • Evaluate the best method to raise children
  • Evaluate how globalization has affected religion
  • Compare if a vegetarian or diet high in meat is better
  • Assess the best political system in world history
  • Examine the benefits of lowering or raising the legal drinking age
  • Evaluate the impacts of marijuana legalization
  • Analyze the best ways to reduce drunk driving
  • Evaluate the role genetics plays in a person’s success
  • Assess the challenges and benefits of space exploration
  • Evaluate the benefits of owning pets
  • Assess the role foods play in ethnic identity

Easy Evaluation Essay Topics

  • Compare Microsoft Word to Google Docs
  • Evaluate the difficulties of single parenting
  • Assess the impact of automation on employment
  • Analyze the impact of physical fitness on work productivity
  • Evaluate the effects of loneliness
  • Assess the benefits of fast food
  • Examine the difficulties of adoption
  • Analyze the impacts of using plastic containers
  • Evaluate the influence of mandatory K-12 education
  • Assess spanking as a punishment for children
  • Analyze the global impact of K-Pop
  • Evaluate the impacts of distracted driving
  • Analyze the impacts of modern wars
  • Evaluate the relevancy of print media
  • Examine the last movie you saw
  • Evaluate the last book you read
  • Analyze the speed limit in your state
  • Assess the societal impacts of global migration
  • Evaluate the influence of computers on children
  • Evaluate the effects of bullying on society

Fun Evaluation Essay Topics

  • Analyze the popularity of zombie movies
  • Evaluate the impact of smiling
  • Evaluate the global importance of Santa
  • Assess why some people keep birds as pets
  • Evaluate the influence of reality TV
  • Evaluate the food truck cuisine phenomenon
  • Analyze an element about your favorite comedian
  • Examine the health benefits of chocolate
  • Analyze why some clothes fashions come back into style
  • Assess the concept of eco-tourism
  • Evaluate the impact of Twinkies on the food industry
  • Assess the historical impact of a particular fairy tale
  • Compare and contrast the East Coast to the West Coast
  • Analyze a John Huges film
  • Analyze the importance of birthday parties
  • Evaluate the historical accuracy of a particular movie
  • Evaluate the tradition of family names
  • Assess the importance of amusement parks
  • Analyze the popularity of stand-up comedy
  • Evaluate what influences hairstyle trends

Unique Evaluation Essay Topics

  • Evaluate the effects of pornography on young men
  • Evaluate if time travel is a possibility
  • Analyze how advertising affects consumer behaviors
  • Examine the influence of video games on the culture
  • Assess the role that genetics plays in serial killers
  • Analyze the economic impacts of increased immigration
  • Evaluate the significance of underreported taxes
  • Compare single-payer health insurance to private insurance
  • Evaluate the idea of trans-humanism
  • Assess the possibility of a one-world government
  • Analyze potential differences in how voting is done in the future
  • Assess the role languages play in modern pop culture
  • Evaluate the benefits or detriments of genetic engineering
  • Evaluate the long-term viability of solar energy
  • Analyze fasting as a weight loss strategy
  • Analyze the impact of Stoicism on the modern world
  • Evaluate the most important elements of a particular presidential speech
  • Evaluate the impact of cooking shows on society
  • Assess the long-term effects of the Cold War
  • Evaluate the impacts of ride-sharing companies

Interesting Evaluation Essay Topics

  • Evaluate how tourism has affected ancient archaeological sites
  • Evaluate how social media has changed journalism
  • Analyze the impact of plastics on the food supply
  • Assess the impact of trade wars on poor people
  • Evaluate the influence of a person’s generation on what they buy
  • Evaluate the impact of “puppy farms” on animal welfare laws
  • Analyze the benefits or drawbacks of centrally planning a nation’s food supply
  • Assess the best time to look for a job
  • Examine the difference between a democracy and a republic
  • Analyze the influence of cryptocurrency on younger investors
  • Evaluate the impact of online dating on modern relationships
  • Evaluate the influence of sonic branding on consumer purchases
  • Assess how former prison inmates are affected by PTSD
  • Analyze the benefits, or drawbacks, of organic food versus traditional food
  • Evaluate the long-term safety concerns of self-driven vehicles
  • Assess the benefits, or drawbacks, of a Paleo diet
  • Analyze the cost efficiency of mass public transportation
  • Evaluate the benefits of living in a colder climate
  • Examine the influence of teen vaping
  • Evaluate the long-term impacts of “head start” programs

Best Evaluation Essay Topics

  • Evaluate the importance of online shopping
  • Evaluate the effects of classical music on children
  • Analyze the effectiveness of adult literacy programs
  • Assess the impact of telemedicine on overall health
  • Analyze security measures for online financial transactions
  • Evaluate the impact of alcohol brands’ advertising on TV
  • Evaluate the impact of companies going “paperless.”
  • Analyze the connection between social media and modern politics
  • Assess the benefits or costs of ocean exploration
  • Evaluate the impact of tariffs on a country
  • Evaluate the average diet of an ancient society compared to today
  • Analyze the connection between crime and poverty
  • Evaluate the impact universal basic income would have
  • Assess the effectiveness of drunk driving laws
  • Analyze the potential impacts of lowering the voting age
  • Evaluate the impact of capital punishment on crime rates
  • Analyze if people were happier with fewer material goods in earlier periods of history
  • Evaluate the role that religion plays in people’s happiness
  • Evaluate the importance of the nuclear family in society
  • Analyze the importance of learning math at an early age

Evaluation Argument Essay Topics

  • Evaluate the argument for more or less, police on the streets
  • Examine the argument for building more train lines in America
  • Assess the benefits of larger or smaller families
  • Evaluate the argument for or against mandatory electric vehicles
  • Analyze the argument to pay or not pay college athletes
  • Evaluate the benefits of increased or decreased gun control
  • Analyze the argument for having a central bank digital currency
  • Assess the argument of promoting “fat acceptance” or losing weight
  • Evaluate the benefits or drawbacks of a 30-hour workweek
  • Analyze different arguments for “What is art?”
  • Evaluate the argument of “totally free speech” or limits on “hate speech”
  • Assess the benefits of raising the minimum wage or keeping it lower
  • Analyze the argument for age restrictions on violent video games
  • Evaluate online versus in-class learning
  • Evaluate the argument of the government restricting unhealthy foods or letting the people decide for themselves
  • Assess the argument of nature versus nurture
  • Evaluate if traditional schooling is better than homeschooling
  • Analyze the argument for rehabilitation or punishment for criminals
  • Assess the argument that climate change is not human-made
  • Evaluate the pros and cons of digital money versus physical cash

Evaluation Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Evaluate the benefits of holistic medical practices
  • Examine the benefits of roommates
  • Evaluate the best way to learn a foreign language
  • Assess the benefits of installing solar panels in your home
  • Analyze the value of driving the speed limit
  • Assess the virtue of buying second-hand clothing
  • Analyze the best way for the world to avoid war
  • Evaluate the benefits of hunting and fishing
  • Evaluate the benefits of an automated office
  • Analyze the best way to travel across the country
  • Assess the virtues of “living off the grid”
  • Evaluate the value of a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle
  • Evaluate the benefits of physical education in schools
  • Analyze the most ethical way to have zoos
  • Assess the efficacy of prescription drugs in treating depression
  • Evaluate the value of riding your bike to work
  • Evaluate the benefits of living in a rural location
  • Analyze the best way to make more money
  • Assess the best way to narrow the gender pay gap
  • Evaluate why a higher education degree is important for success

Evaluation Essay Topics for College Students

  • Evaluate the impact of binge drinking on young people’s health
  • Assess the pros and cons of allowing students to use technology for note-taking
  • Evaluate the impact of eliminating tuition fees
  • Analyze the impact of diet on study habits
  • Analyze the economic impact of on-campus food courts
  • Evaluate the benefits of living on campus
  • Evaluate the benefits of involvement in student organizations
  • Assess strategies to reduce campus crime
  • Analyze the benefits of community/junior college
  • Evaluate the financial costs of attending graduate school
  • Analyze the benefits or drawbacks of having a serious romantic relationship in college
  • Assess future uses of campus libraries
  • Evaluate the impact of sports teams on college campus morale
  • Evaluate the impact of the college textbook industry on universities
  • Analyze the fairness, or not, of the college admissions process
  • Assess the 20 best podcasts for college students
  • Evaluate the impact of student political activism on campuses
  • Examine the effectiveness of having health centers on campuses
  • Analyze the impact that religious groups have on colleges
  • Assess the effectiveness of tests as a measure of what students have learned

Evaluation Essay Topics for High School Students

  • Evaluate the impact of requiring students to wear uniforms
  • Analyze the effectiveness of after-school tutoring
  • Analyze potential alternatives to the ACT/SAT exams
  • Examine the impact of social media on high schools students’ grades
  • Assess the effects of having police officers in high schools
  • Evaluate the impacts of raising or lowering the minimum age for a driver’s license
  • Assess the impact of advanced placement courses
  • Analyze programs to reduce teen violence
  • Examine the effects of cannabis consumption on teenagers
  • Analyze programs to reduce teen pregnancy
  • Evaluate the importance of parent-teacher conferences
  • Examine how school lunch programs affect learning
  • Assess the effectiveness of industrial arts classes
  • Evaluate the importance of art classes
  • Analyze the impact of homework
  • Evaluate the impact of bullying on grades
  • Evaluate the pros and cons of high school sports
  • Assess the impact of high school business classes
  • Examine the effects of dating in high school
  • Evaluate the importance of student councils

Topics for an Evaluation Essay by Category

Evaluation Essay Topics on Movies

  • Analyze the historical accuracy of the film Alexander
  • Evaluate the global significance of Hollywood
  • Evaluate the differences in the different Ghostbusters films
  • Assess the most important dramatic film from your lifetime
  • Examine the role of classical music in 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Analyze the future of movie theaters
  • Examine religious themes in the Star Wars films
  • Analyze themes about war and peace in All Quiet on the Western Front
  • Evaluate what you think is the best sci-fi film of all time and why
  • Analyze feminist themes in the film Barbie
  • Analyze why superhero movies are so popular
  • Evaluate why some stories are better told on TV than on film
  • Examine the historical themes in the 1979 film The Warriors
  • Evaluate why Gone with the Wind is still popular
  • Analyze how special effects can make a film better
  • Examine why some Americans prefer “independent” films
  • Evaluate the portrayal of AI in the Terminator franchise
  • Analyze how realistic the fight scenes are in the film, Jack Reacher
  • Evaluate the cultural changes in the James Bond character throughout the decades
  • Assess plot holes in a particular film

Evaluation Essay Topics on Technology

  • Evaluate the impact of streaming services on traditional cable
  • Analyze the influence of AI on the media
  • Assess how 5G has changed the world
  • Examine how medical technology extends lives
  • Evaluate the drawbacks of smartphones
  • Evaluate the economic impacts of the video gaming industry
  • Analyze what makes a computer company successful
  • Assess how technology has benefited the classroom
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of battlefield drones
  • Analyze the importance of Web3
  • Examine the effectiveness of technology in gyms and exercise
  • Assess the security of cloud storage
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of teaching about technology in schools
  • Assess the impact robotics will have on the future
  • Analyze a real technology featured in a sci-fi film
  • Examine the impact of the “Internet of Things” on daily life
  • Evaluate the role that technology plays in the modern economy
  • Analyze the effectiveness of home security cameras
  • Evaluate the impact of barcodes on the world
  • Examine the benefits or drawbacks of search engine algorithms

Evaluation Essay Topics on Sports

  • Analyze the significance of head injuries in contact sports
  • Evaluate the impact of sports betting
  • Assess the importance of youth sports leagues
  • Evaluate the role of mental health in athletic performance
  • Examine the impact steroids have had on sports
  • Evaluate the gender pay gap in professional sports
  • Analyze the significance of hooliganism and fan violence
  • Examine the economic importance of sports stadiums
  • Evaluate the economic impact of the fitness industry
  • Evaluate how sports affect a person’s mental health
  • Assess the rise in popularity of Crossfit
  • Examine the NCAA’s influence over college sports
  • Analyze how the transfer portal has changed college sports
  • Evaluate the global popularity of soccer
  • Analyze the ethical implications of horse racing
  • Assess the rise in popularity of mixed martial arts
  • Evaluate the importance of athletic scholarships
  • Evaluate the importance, or not, of parents’ involvement in their kids’ sports
  • Analyze the role of technology in sports
  • Analyze the effectiveness of sports in bringing people together

Evaluation Essay Topics on Books

  • Analyze eugenics themes in Brave New World
  • Evaluate the significance of Amazon’s rise
  • Assess the future of independent bookstores
  • Analyze themes of political hypocrisy in Animal Farm
  • Evaluate debates over age-appropriate books
  • Examine the impact of audiobooks
  • Evaluate the decline of the book printing industry
  • Evaluate an important aspect of a particular author’s life
  • Analyze ideas of censorship in 1984
  • Analyze an overlooked plot device in a particular book
  • Assess the impact the Bible has had on the world
  • Assess how the Communist Manifesto has influenced modern political movements
  • Examine the importance of libraries in the Internet age
  • Analyze a book that was better as a film
  • Analyze the most important elements of a nonfiction book
  • Evaluate why physical books are better, or not, than e-books
  • Examine a book that doesn’t follow a standard chronological narrative
  • Analyze what the characters symbolize in Crime and Punishment
  • Analyze the Iliad as a historical source
  • Evaluate the dialogue of a particular romance novel

Evaluation Essay Topics on Music

  • Evaluate how music has influenced social movements
  • Analyze the global impact of Elvis Presley
  • Assess how music helps mental health
  • Analyze a particular “concept album”
  • Examine how national anthems influence patriotism
  • Evaluate how computers have changed music
  • Analyze the economic impact of pop music
  • Examine country music’s growing global appeal
  • Analyze the hidden meaning behind the lyrics of “Hotel California”
  • Evaluate the influence of MTV on American society
  • Examine how MP3 technology has changed the music industry
  • Analyze how music influences youth identity
  • Assess the effectiveness, or not, of music classes in schools
  • Evaluate how music influences fashion, or vice versa
  • Examine the growing popularity of “world music”
  • Analyze the effects of listening to music while you sleep
  • Evaluate the influence of “evaluator music”
  • Examine the continued popularity of vinyl records
  • Assess the effectiveness, or not, of adding warning labels to controversial records
  • Evaluate the role that music plays in calming pets

Evaluate Your Success

Evaluation essays can be difficult for many students because the level of detailed analysis involved. But once you’ve picked a topic, you’re halfway there!

The 300 evaluation essay topics in this article should give you a good start. Even if you don’t use one of these topics, reading them will help you understand what an evaluation topic should look like and possibly give you some more ideas.

So good luck. Evaluate everything around you, and before you know it, you’ll be writing high-quality evaluation essays!

Elissa Smart Elissa Smart
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