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How to Pack a ‘Covid-19 Bag’ for College

quarantine supplies on campus

Covid-19 is here to stay. This much is clear. It means you have to adapt to the new reality as campuses are opening their doors. And given the depressing statistics of Covid-19 cases among students reported by a CNN contributor, Annie Grayer (2020), a lot of adjustment is in order. Hopefully, my article will help you figure out how to protect yourself from the virus. Read on to find out the basics of Covid-19 protection on campuses.

As pandemic rages on, you have to channel your efforts on decreasing your chances of catching the highly contagious virus. The supplies you should use to stop the Covid-19 transmission are the same everyone uses at home. The pesky virus causing the disease can’t stand masks, hand sanitizers, air purifies, and disinfectants. You know, the usual stuff. However, there’s also a prudent approach to handling the situation, which, just like common sense, isn’t too common. You have to be smart about handling the situation. And my article is here to help you out.

“But wait,” you might say. “Aren’t I supposed to follow the advice of healthcare professionals in these trying times?” Yes, you are. What I’m trying to achieve with my blog post is to amplify epidemiological guidance recently reported by The Wall Street Journal contributor Nancy Keates (2020).

Ahead are the items that healthcare experts want to see in your ‘Covid-19’ bag this year. While they do not offer surefire protection, they may reduce the occurrence of comorbidities.

  • UV Light Disinfecting Equipment
    Medical professionals recommend “a standing UV lamp, which will disinfect and kill any bacteria and viruses throughout a room” (Keates, 2020). Note, however, that the amount of UV light required to disinfect the entire room cannot be provided by a small lamp. Therefore, use the surfaces lit by it to disinfect items usually carried in your pockets, i.e., keys, credit cards, and a smartphone.
  • Portable Air Cleaner
    Although the cleaner cannot stop the transmission of the virus, it can help you deal with poorly ventilates spaces that pose other respiratory hazards. At the same time, recently revised WHO guidelines suggest that droplets of the virus caught by air purifiers can halt the virus to some degree. Therefore, make sure that harmful Covid-19 particles have a harder time reaching you.
  • Lunch Box
    Really? Yes. Chances are your college has only takeout food options. It means you have to pack your lunch. Also, don’t forget to put an ice pack inside. Pandemic or not, you want to keep your lunch fresh. There are plenty of lightweight and inexpensive icepacks on the Web. Pick one now, so you don’t have to worry about your food getting spoiled.
  • Oxygen Saturation Monitor
    According to Dr.Pollock, the monitors are only required by Covid-19 patients to measure their blood-oxygen level. Chances are you don’t have to check whether the level is outside the normal range; however, if you want and can afford one go ahead and get it. Hopefully, you wouldn’t have to use them, too.
  • Disinfectants
    To fight the virus transmission, keep your room clean. Dr.Ali, who has been reported by Keates (2020), states that it can last up to 72 hours on plastic surfaces. To reduce the potential of spread, you have to thoroughly clean all surfaces in your dorm room. Make sure to put on gloves before engaging in the task. Also, don’t forget to read the label before using any kind of disinfectant.
  • Mask
    No. Mask wearing is not a political statement. It’s an adaptive response to a deadly virus. So please don’t flout the suggestion – mandate in some states – and wear the protective gear for your own sake. Note that cloth masks must be washed regularly. For your convenience, purchase a couple of masks, if for some reason you haven’t done it already, and rotate them.
  • Vitamin D
    Some studies suggest that the lack of vitamin D can affect your body’s immunoresponse. The weakened immune system can heighten your level of stress, which is not conducive to learning. Speaking of which, if the pandemic interferes with your ability to study, try using creative writing help.
  • Tylenol vs. Advil
    According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with the active ingredient called ibuprofen “might worsen Covid-19 infections.” Even though the WHO does not warn against the use of Advil, which contains ibuprofen, some students prefer Tylenol just to stay on the safe side.

Takeaway Message

With colleges reopening, your social consciousness must be turned up to eleven. Upon your arrival on campus, make sure to follow distancing guidelines. Because no matter how much you stuff your bag with quarantine supplies, the urge to socialize might cancel their effect out. Therefore, don’t spend every waking hour fraternizing – don’t behave selfishly. Also, avoid high contact sports and make sure to test for the coronavirus regularly. Finally, keep a positive mindset. Pandemic or not, you are supposed to have fun in college.

Elissa Smart Elissa Smart
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